Who are Red Sift

Need to know:

Redsift are a UK headquartered Cybersecurity company providing 4 (soon-to-be 5) distinct capabilities to help secure your Digital Assets: 

  • OnDmarc a comprehensive DMARC Management Platform and a hands-on approach to protecting your E-Mail domains from unauthorised usage 
  • Certificate Management allowing you to manage Web Certificates before it becomes an issue 
  • Brand Trust monitoring for lookalike domains trying to impersonate your business 
  • Attack Surface Management for your external-facing assets 

Trusted by thousands of organisations to secure their digital presence, Redsift can help you navigate the digital landscape with confidence. 

Category: Domain Management including DMARC Management, Digital Certificate Management, Digital Brand Security and Vendor Security (Third Party Risk) 

Red Sift helps security teams understand and remediate cybersecurity risk before an incident happens.

The Red Sift Pulse platform ingests terabytes of cybersecurity intelligence signals every day. Since our founding, we have leveraged proprietary AI on top of the intelligence data feeds to help security professionals identify what needs attention and action in real-time.

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